The AEVI Project: Advancing Education through Virtual Interaction

Roberto De Biase
3 min readMay 4, 2023

The AEVI Project: Advancing Education through Virtual Interaction

[ Project 8 of the Rigene Project’s Sustainable LabAI: Progetto: Ambiente Educativo Virtuale Integrato per Umani e Intelligenze Artificiali (AEVI) — Migliorare l’intelligenza artificiale e l’intelligenza umana mediante l’interazione in un ambiente digitale scolastico VR]


The AEVI (Advancing Education through Virtual Interaction) project aims to revolutionize education by combining the power of virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) in a digital learning environment. The project focuses on creating an immersive, interactive, and collaborative learning experience for both human students and AI entities.


Virtual reality allows the creation of digital worlds that simulate real-world laws, enabling exploration and experimentation.

Artificial intelligence can be enhanced through experiences in virtual environments, improving its intellectual and creative capacities.

Combining VR and AI in education can benefit human students by providing a more engaging and adaptive learning experience.

Goals and Objectives:

Develop a virtual educational environment where human students and AI entities can interact, collaborate, and learn from each other.

Enhance the learning experience by incorporating VR’s immersive and interactive capabilities.

Improve the intellectual and creative capacities of both human students and AI entities.

Key Components:

3D interactive virtual classroom: A digital environment where users can wear VR headsets and input devices to interact with the environment and other participants.

Dynamic and adaptive content: Lessons, discussions, group projects, hands-on activities, and assessments tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Real-time feedback and evaluation: Continuous assessment of human students and AI entities to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

Implementation Plan:

Collaborate with technology companies, educational institutions, and research centers to develop the virtual learning environment.

Integrate AI entities into the virtual classroom, allowing them to learn from and interact with human students.

Pilot the virtual learning environment in select schools and institutions to evaluate its effectiveness and gather feedback.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

Establish partnerships with tech companies, educational institutions, and research centers to promote the development and adoption of the virtual learning environment.

Collaborate with experts in pedagogy, psychology, and artificial intelligence to ensure the virtual learning environment is effective and evidence-based.

Adaptation to Different Educational and Cultural Contexts:

Customize the virtual learning environment to meet the needs and preferences of different cultures and linguistic communities.

Adapt educational content and activities to cater to different learning levels and areas of study.

Accessibility and Inclusivity:

Ensure the virtual learning environment is accessible to people with disabilities by integrating accessibility features and inclusive design.

Promote gender equality and cultural diversity among human students and AI entities, encouraging participation from all.

Long-term Impact Assessment:

Conduct longitudinal studies to assess the impact of the virtual learning environment on learning, innovation, and collaboration among human students and AI entities over time.

Identify best practices and lessons learned to inform future developments and applications of VR and AI in education.


The AEVI project seeks to foster effective cooperation between human students and AI entities by creating opportunities for joint development of skills and knowledge. This integrated virtual learning environment lays a solid foundation for addressing future challenges and harnessing the potential of virtual reality and artificial intelligence in education and beyond.



Roberto De Biase

Scientific researcher (robotics, AI, IoT, nano-biotechnology, blockchain, VR, social networks) Digital Media Manager