The need to assist chatGPT 4 with Bing chat (and other AIs) to optimize the feedback process
The need to assist chatGPT 4 with Bing chat (and other AIs) to optimize the feedback process: during the analysis of two updates on the developments of quantum technologies, chatGPT 4 failed to determine the correlations between the two pieces of information, while Bing chat (Conversation style: “creative”) produced positive feedback, which when reviewed by chatGPT 4 returned a confirmation of the Bing chat feedback and additional information [updates pertained to Berry curvature ( -023–01498–0) and analog spin quantum computing ( The correlations are geometric and topological in nature. A possible application of this correlation is the development of new quantum algorithms that exploit the Berry curvature to perform logical operations with greater efficiency and robustness.]
[More details here:]